博爱浸校园  情智铸庆丰
Emotion and intelligence found Qing Feng School with fraternity
—— Brief introduction of Qing Feng Primary School, Wenjiang District, Chengdu
庆丰街小学坐落在鱼凫古蜀国故地——温江柳城西大街。学校占地面积9481平方米,其中绿化面积2844平方米,运动场面积5844平方米,共有44个教学班,学生2222人。伟大的民主革命先驱、音乐家、音乐史学家王光祈先生在这里接受了启蒙教育。百年庆丰,迭经变革,1901年蒋春帆先生创办三官庙私塾,1926年成立私立大成初等小学, 1939年转为公办城关区第二完全小学,1961年正式命名为庆丰街小学,2005年温江区特殊教育中心在庆丰街小学成立,2009年,学校成为代表成都老校名校的历史与传承的26所学校之一。
Qing Feng Primary School is located in the west street of Wenjiang District, which is famous for the ancient Shu country, Yufu Dynasty.  School covers an area of 9481 square meters, which including green area of 2844 square meters and the playground area of 5844 square meters. We have 36 classes and 1753 pupils. Wang Guangqi,  the great democratic revolutionary pioneer, musician and music historian, attended the school. In the past one hundred year, Qing Feng Primary School has changed a lot. In 1901, Mr. Jiang Chunfan set up Sanguan Temple old-style private school. In 1926, this school was named Dacheng private elementary school. In 1939, it became No.2 primary school. In 1961, it was formally named Qing Feng Primary School. In 2005, the Special Education Centre of Wenjiang was founded here. In 2009, our school became one of the 26 famous traditional schools in Chengdu.
Our school has won a series of honorary titles, such as the Sino-Us Cooperative Civic Education Experimental School; National Demonstration Base of Excellent Parents; Professional Teaching Skills Demonstration School of Sichuan Province; Training Demonstration School of Sichuan Province; Red Flag Group of Sichuan Province; the Advanced Young Pioneers of Sichuan Province; the model school of Chengdu ; the Environmental School of Chengdu; the Top 10 Red Scarf Demonstration School of Chengdu; the traditional sports school of Chengdu; the Psychological Health Education Experimental School of Chengdu; Modern Education Demonstration School of Chengdu; the School-based Research Demonstration Base; the Art Activities Advanced Group of Chengdu; the Advanced Basic CPC Organization of Chengdu; the Homeland of Model Teaching Staffs of Chengdu.
Our teachers have full passion of love and educational wisdom. We have 95 full-time teachers.  69% of the teachers have the senior teacher qualifications of the elementary school. 98% of the teachers have college degrees and above. 68% of the teachers are honored by the superior recognition. The honorary titles we teachers got are including Municipal Academic Leaders, Advanced Individuals, Outstanding Head Teachers, Outstanding Young Teachers, Excellent New Teachers, and district level Famous Teachers of Wenjiang, Skilled School Administrators, Model Head Teachers, Outstanding Head Teachers, Academic Leaders, Skilled Teachers, Outstanding Young teachers, etc. A large number of pupils made great achievements in national, provincial, municipal and district level competitions.
School educational thought
情智教育(建最美情智校园 做最美情智教师 塑阳光情智少年)
EI education——Emotional and intelligent education
( Establish the most beautiful EI campus; Be the most beautiful EI teachers; Develop the sunshine EI pupils)
School culture:  Once there is emotion, there is a warmhearted world; once there is wisdom, everything can be well done. Emotion and wisdom are true and wide, which make a harmonious world and great achievements.
校:真情树人  大智育才
School: Develop our children with real emotion and great wisdom.
风:人无全才 人人有才 取长补短 人人成才 
School spirit:  Nobody is versatile, but everybody has special ability. Learning from each other makes everyone become a successful person.
风:含爱生情怀 有育人智慧
Teaching style:  Teaching with love and wisdom.
风:勤学 善思 质朴 坚韧
Study style:  Diligent  Thoughtful  Modest  Persistent
训:厚德博学 情智双馨
School motto: Virtue  Erudition  Emotion  Intelligence
:雅生活 智育人
Teachers: Live gracefully; Teach wisely
生:知礼仪 懂感恩  善表达 求上进
Pupils: Be courteous. Be grateful. Be expressive. Be motivated.